About the Walkerston-Pleystowe Branch

Walkerston/Pleystowe RSL Sub Branch was formed on 4th November 1948 at a meeting held at the Albion Hotel (now O’Shea’s Hotel) Walkerston.

There were twenty potential local members who formed this Sub Branch. Meetings and “Smoke Nights” were held in Odd fellows Hall and Smiths Picture Show ( which is now a Retravision Store).

Meetings were then shifted to the Duke of Edinburgh Hotel soon after, which has hosted our Sub Branch meetings and gatherings to this day.

The Sub Branch conducts weekly Saturday raffles at the Duke Hotel which are drawn at 1.30pm.

Meetings are held on the first Sunday of the month (except January ) at the Duke of Edinburgh Hotel at 10.00am.

The Sub Branch has a Pensions Welfare Officer who can be contacted by Phone (07) 49561013

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