RSL District Executive members, Sub Branch delegates, ladies and gentlemen.
It is so good to be here tonight amongst League friends. During my time as the District President, I derived much personal satisfaction from my interaction with the Sub Branches and the members and I miss this contact immensely.
District President, Phil, has invited me here to undertake a very pleasant duty on behalf of the District, and that is to present an RSL Australia Meritorious Service Medal to a member.
I acknowledge that usually Phil would make this presentation. However, Phil has asked me to do the honours tonight given that I was the District President when the award application was submitted. I sincerely thank him for this kind gesture.
The Meritorious Service Medal:
- Is the highest award that can be made available to an RSL member over and above Life Membership.
- A Service Member of the League can only be proposed for the medal in the following circumstances:
- He or she has been awarded Life Membership by the League.
- He or she has been a service member of the League for at least 25 continuous years.
- He or she has rendered not less than 25 years of outstanding service to the League.
- The medal can only be awarded on the recommendation of the National Executive of the League.
It is an honour for me to be here tonight to present this award to PFH District Deputy President and Marian Sub Branch President, John Edwards.
We all know that John has earned his Life Membership and this Meritorious Service Medal by giving years of unselfish and dedicated service to the RSL, through service to his Sub-Branch and the PFH District, and I asked that you show your appreciation and congratulations in the normal way.
Before I ask John to come forward and receive his award, I would like to give you an overview of John’s service to the League:
- John joined the Marion Sub Branch in 1996 and has served as Vice President (2002 – 2009) and President (2010 – present).
- John served the Mackay District as Vice President (2003-2005).
- He served the PFH District as Vice President (2005 – 2009) and Deputy President (2009 – present).
- As if this wasn’t enough, John over 25 years has performed a welfare role looking after veterans. Also providing RSL Poppy Services at veterans’ funerals.
- He has been a great supporter of the Mackay North State High School “Lest We Forget” program that has run for 20 years.
- John has also been very active representing the RSL in the Mackay and District community.
- He has also been very active in fundraising activities for his Sub Branch and organising commemorative events for District. Who can forget the RSL 100 Year Celebrations in the Mackay District (2016) and District’s Anniversary of Armistice Dinner (2018).
- And there is more in his citation, too numerous to mention here.
John, on a personal note, I thank you for your loyalty, dedication to the RSL cause, and your support as the District Deputy President during my 6-year tenure as District President.