Life Members Lunch – July 2023

They went with songs to battle, they were young, Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow, They were staunch to the end, against odds uncounted, They fell with their faces to the foe. They shall grow not old,
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RSL State Congress & AGM 2024

The State Congress & AGM was held on the 22 June at the Royal International Convention Centre. There were 187 voting delegates in attendance & 21 apologies submitted. Several motions were presented and carried. Maj. Gen. Stephen Day DSC AM
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Meritorious Medal Award & Citation presented at the RSL CQ Districct AGM on the 23 March 2024.

CITATION FOR MERITORIOUS MEDAL AWARD FOR MR NOEL MALLYON Citation for Meritorious Medal Award NAME:                        Noel Marcus MALLYON DOB:                           10/01/1946 ADDRESS:                PO BOX 66 EMERALD, 4720 SERVICE NUMBER: R65412 SERVICE DETAILS:  AWARDS: LEAGUE BADGE NUMBER:             QL4732 NOMINATING SUB
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RSL Central Queensland AGM and Dinner

Onthe 23 March the RSL CQ AGM was held at Gracemere Sub Branch and the dinner was held at Rocky Sports Club. The Mayor of Rockhampton Regional Council Councillor Tony Williams formally opened the AGM. Invited guests who attended the
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RSL Emu Park Executive Award.

Presented on the 23 March 2024 The District Executive decided in 2017 to introduce the District President’s Award, however in 2022 the executive decided on a name change to reflect a team approach in selecting the sub branch who has
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