Life Members Lunch – July 2023

They went with songs to battle, they were young,

Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow,

They were staunch to the end, against odds uncounted,

They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old,

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn,

At the going down of the sun, and in the morning,

We will remember them.

Lest We Forget

  1. Welcome

Welcome to our District Life Members Luncheon.

In particular, I welcome Mr Bill Whitburn OAM

(Vice President, RSL QLD State Branch) who will be our guest speaker.

I welcome our District Life Members here today:                                   

John Edwards (DP)      Marian

Noel Wales                 Walkerston/Pleystowe

Col Benson                   Mackay

Kevin Plumb               Sarina

Ken Higgins OAM           Mackay

Noel Mallyon                 Emerald

Roy Cunneen                Emu Park

Barry Vains OAM           Emu Park

Gordon Murray             Clermont

Dave Oliver                   Finch Hatton

Bryan Ottone               Emerald

William (Bill) Lake        Walkerston/Pleystowe

Ronald Bassan OAM       Farleigh & Northern Beaches

Gregory Smith                Farleigh & Northern Beaches

Adrian Wallan                Springsure

Colin Walz                     Mackay

I also welcome veteran’s partners, and others who are with us today.

In particular I would like to acknowledge: –

Women’s Auxiliary:

Cecilia Miller                        Rockhampton

Gloria Lynch                         Rockhampton

Citizens Auxiliary:                  

Life Members Widows

Elizabeth Norman (Alan Norman) Walkerston/Pleystowe


Sharon Price

Rob Clelland

Lynette Phillips & Kylie Vogrinec

We have received apologies from the following members.

Cheryl Thompson           Walkerston/Pleystowe

Rhonda Argall                Emu Park

Graeme Ware                Finch Hatton

Evol Benson               Seaforth

Gloria Dwyer                 Emu Park Benson

Darryl Dwyer                 Emu Park

Dawn Salisbury              Mackay

Wayne Carter                 Yeppoon

Ronald Cameron             Seaforth

Brian Abrahamson          Emu Park

I acknowledge that you have given years of service to your RSL Sub-Branches and in some cases to the District and State Branch, and it is an honour for the District Executive to host this luncheon for you today.

The RSL is now into the second hundred years of service of providing welfare & pension services to Australian veterans.

This would not have been the case; if RSL members throughout our history had not volunteered their time to make sure their mates were looked after.

I also acknowledge your partners who over the years have given their time as well in supporting the League.  

  • Toast to the League – John Edwards
  • Response to the Toast – Gordon Murray
  • Grace

It is now my pleasure to invite the District Deputy President and Meritorious Award Recipient, John Edwards, to say Grace.

  • Lunch served

Ladies and gentlemen, our special quest today is Bill Whitburn OAM. (RSL State Vice President)

Bill is a 40-year veteran who is very passionate about his involvement with the RSL.

He is actively engaged with rural and remote Sub Branches and understands the pressures placed on their committees due to governance complexities and their future survival.

He has a wealth of experience which assists him in his Board role, including experience in HR, logistics, business processes, and audit and risk, and is an experienced Workplace Health and Safety Manager.

  • Response on behalf of Life Members – Ken Higgins OAM
  • Colin Waltz Introduction & Citation – Phil Luzzi
  • Sweets Served

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