Capricornia RSL elects new President and Vice President
Pioneer Fitzroy Highlands District President, Phil Luzzi, (middle) welcomes new Capricornia
Sub-Branch President, Rawdon Dundas-Taylor and new sub-Branch Vice President, Btett
Breadsell. The Capricornia and Rockhampton Region Sub-Branch held its AGM and meeting
at the Frenchville Sports Club. Out going President, Tiny Clark and Vice President, Tom Kerr
stood down after many years to make way for the new executive. Rawdon has 28 years
experience with the Australian Army Cadet Corps while Brett is an ex Iraq/Afghanister/
Timor veteran. The Capricornia Sub-Branch has 67 members and is actively recruiting new
members. The Sub-Branch is adapting to the changing face and hopes to especially find
younger members so that the Sub-Branch can assist ALL veterans in a meaningful and
respectful way.
We do not have a club house, but the Frenchville Sports Club assists with meetings and
functions on our behalf. There are benefits to being an RSL Queensland member and the
organization is trying to move away from the pokies and cheap meals image to a service
dedicating itself to an organization with the purpose of assisting current and past veterans.