CQ District had their final District Council Meeting for 2023 on Saturday 18th November, hosted by the Emu Park Sub Branch with some wonderful, well deserved presentations made.
First is to our District President Phil Luzzi, who was surprised and presented with his Life Membership. Phil has over 15 years of outstanding service to the RSL and is a very worthy recipient. Phil has volunteered at a Sub Branch, District and State Branch level since he first joined in 2008. Phil has volunteered as a Pension and Welfare Officer in the Sub Branch from 2009 to today. He has also taken on many other roles in the Sub Branch including armourer, raffles coordinator, secretary, and web master.
Next is Cecilia Miller who was awarded her Women’s Auxiliary Life Membership of the Rockhampton Sub Branch. Cecilia, President since joining the Auxiliary, has been a tireless volunteer supporting the Sub Branch for over 15 years with fundraising, hospital and home visits and transporting members to appointments.
Our next worthy recipient is Gloria Lynch who is the long standing Secretary of the Women’s Auxiliary of the Rockhampton Sub Branch. Gloria organises all of the outings for the Sub Branch, and although she has mobility issues, she still attends to cleaning the Sub Branch Memorial Wall, tending to the garden and ensuring there is a poppy at each plaque every week.
Finally, Bas Soper of RSL Gracemere Sub Branch received a Certificate of Merit for his outstanding service providing Welfare Services to the Gracemere & Rockhampton District.