RSL Marian Sub Branch in action.
RSL Marian Sub Branch members recently got the opportunity to attend and support as we have pre covid times in the Pioneer Valley 2022 Agricultural Expo held at the Wests League football grounds at Walkerston from the 12th and 13th of August 2022. A few days before the Expo commenced the subbranch members gathered together to prepare our allocated booth site. The members then ensured the RSL Marian booth site was fully manned from 0800 hours Friday until the designated closing time for the Agricultural Expo on Saturday.
The Expo was well supported by the community, as we were kept quite busy over the two days of the event. With our focus during this time being the promotion of the RSL Sub Branch and our very proactive Pioneer-Fitzroy District support activities. The participating Sub Branch members had a busy time with our fundraising activities with Our Community Raffle sales of $275 so far which will be drawn on the 28/08/22 and our memorabilia sales over the time of $175. This success was due to the excellent display of the prizes and the memorabilia on show.
As the Saturday Expo event was ending the fundraising activities were still not over. Two members of our Subbranch, Russell Craig and Peter Gibbon later attended the Marian Railway Hotel for many hours of our regular fundraising meat raffles which raised I am happy to say a further $360 for the RSL Marian Sub Branch.
All in all, a very long and tiring week for most participating members, and a very productive time as we were able to raise a total of $810 over this period so well done everyone. In total there were 95 hours of fundraising activities in support of the subbranch’s welfare based projects, and now you know why I and other members are proud to belong to our RSL Sub Branch and the Pioneer-Fitzroy-Highlands District.
A special thanks to a Stallworth member Mr Brian Lansdowne who was there with me from the start to the long finish of this Expo Event. The other participating members in no order were Steve Scriha, Jeff Neeves, Pat Dillon, Russell Craig and our recuperating President John Edwards.
Submitted by:
Peter Gibbon
Treasurer and participant
RSL Marian Subbranch