Darryl Dwyer

Emu Park members and others present, it is my pleasure today and in my capacity as President of the RSL Pioneer-Fitzroy-Highlands District to carry out a very pleasant duty.
Life Membership of the RSL:
Is one of the highest honours that can be bestowed on a service member of the League.
The award is limited each year to one member per 750 members of the League Australia wide.
A Service Member of the League can only be proposed for the class of Life Member if they meet the following two criteria:
He or she has been a service member of the League for at least 15 continuous years.
He or she has rendered not less than 10 years of outstanding service to the League.
It is an honour and privilege to be here today to present member and current President of the Emu Park RSL Sub-Branch, Darryl Dwyer, with Life Membership of the RSL and I ask that you show your congratulations in the normal manner.
We all know that Darryl has earned his Life Membership award by giving years of unselfish and dedicated service to the Emu Park Sub-Branch
Before I ask Darryl to come forward to receive his award, I would like to provide you with an overview of Darryl’s service to the RSL and the Emu Park community:

Darryl joined the Emu Park RSL Sub-Branch on 23 February 2003.
He is currently the President of the Sub-Branch.
Darryl served as Deputy President of the Sub-Branch during 2010 to 2014 and again in 2018-2019.
He also filled in as Acting President in 2013-14.
Darryl has also served as the Sub-Branch delegate to the PFH District meetings on many occasions.
Over the years he has been in the RSL, Darryl has :
Contributed immensely to looking after the local veterans as a Welfare and Compensation Advocate from 2008 to 2013.
Been instrumental in the organisation of ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day commemorative services at Emu Park.
Worked tirelessly in raising funds for the RSL, and volunteering his time on the bar and at functions. am personally aware of the contribution and service Darryl has given to the Emu Park RSL Sub-Branch as he served as Deputy President during my tenure as President of the Sub-Branch from 2009 to 2013. It was an honour to have served the RSL with him and I congratulate him on being made a Life Member of the League.
It is my pleasure to ask the Secretary of the Emu-Park Sub-Branch, Jon Willson, to come forward and pin the Life Member Gold Badge on Darryl.

Barry Vains OAM presenting Darryl Dwyer with his Life Membership
Life Members Emu Park RSL Sub Branch Inc.
Barry Vains OAM – Brian Abrahamson – Darryl Dwyer- Roy Cunneen.

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