Meritorious Service Medal – Kevin Plumb 3 February 2023

CITATION FOR Meritorious Medal Award
Mr Kevin Plumb

Citation for Meritorious Medal Award

NAME:                                                Kevin Thomas PLUMB

DOB:                                                   03/04/1945

ADDRESS:                                        81 Brooks Road SARINA QLD 4737

SERVICE NUMBER:                         1731966

MILITARY SERVICE:                        RAEME Attached 106 Fld Bty 4 Fld Regt RAA

LEAGUE BADGE NUMBER:             LM3991

NOMINATING DISTRICT:                Pioneer- Fitzroy- Highlands

MEMBERSHIP DETAILS:                 Joined 01/01/1968


SUB BRANCH:                      Sarina Sub Branch

Committee Member                                        1981 – 1982

Senior Vice President                                     1982 – 1984

President                                                         1984 – 1992

Member Welfare/ Distress Committee           1984 – 1992

Volunteer Pension and Welfare Officer         1993 – 2010    

                                    Walkerston Pleystowe Sub Branch

Volunteer Pension and Welfare Officer         2010 – Current


            Senior Vice President                                     1990 – 1992

            President                                                         1992 – 2003

            Acting Treasurer                                             1996 – 1996

            Acting Secretary                                             1997 – 1998


Kevin has made a significant contribution to the Sarina Sub Branch, Mackay and District and as a volunteer Pension and Welfare Officer since 1993 has been instrumental in helping veterans with their repatriation claims to DVA.

Kevin is widely respected in the Greater Sarina and Mackay District as a man who displays great compassion for the welfare of Ex-Service personnel, aged citizens and the community as a whole. He perpetuates the ideals and values of those who served our country in theatres of war. Kevin is considered an outstanding ambassador for the RSL in Australia.


Welfare and/or Pensions Work:


In 1993, Kevin attended a Pensions Officer/ Welfare Officer course conducted by RSL in conjunction with DVA. He has been a volunteer Pension and Welfare Officer working out of the Sarina and Walkerston Pleystowe Sub Branches since 1993 to the current day.

As a direct result of this, he was able to facilitate a more effective and efficient Pension and Welfare service through personal participation and a provision of a higher level of support to the appointed Pension and Welfare Officer as a direct result.

Whilst Sarina Sub Branch President, successfully negotiated with DVA to include Sarina in the Mackay District tour. As a result in 1986 he organized the first DVA country tour (during 3 days) in the Mackay District area.

The outcome of this has been very positive in attaining a high level of repatriation entitlements for ex service personnel in the Mackay and Sarina areas.


As a member of the Sub Branch Welfare/Distress Committee, Kevin was called upon on many instances to evaluate a call for assistance. He worked closely and in conjunction with other welfare/distress services within the Sarina area.

He successfully gained State Branch funding to assist with the construction of new community hostels in Sarina and Mirani which secured a non repayable grant of $100 000.00 for each hostel. Kevin also obtained a $50 000 grant in 1996 for the provision of equipment for the Mackay District’s 5 aged persons hostel.

Hospital and Sick Visitation:

As a Pension and Welfare Officer for nearly 30 years Kevin has made many visits to veterans in hospital and sick at home. He also transported a large number of veterans to and from doctor appointments in Sarina and Mackay.

Community Representation:

  • A RSL representative on the Sarina I Koumala ANZAC Day Co-ordinating Committee 1984 – 2003
  • Guest Speaker, Reviewing Officer and Official Representative at ANZAC Day, Armistice Day and 131 Cadet Unit parades and presentation ceremonies  1984 – 1996
  • Attended AGM of other Sub-Branches and community groups (le: CWA, Red Cross, Blue Nurses, Meals on Wheels etc.) 1984 – 2003
  • Presented ANZAC Day and Armistice Day addresses at Sarina and District Schools 1984 – 1992
  • Foundation member of the Mackay District War Veterans Homes Building Committee. This committee instigated the funding and construction of the current complex in Mackay. 1987 – 1990
  • Member of the Mackay District War Veterans Homes Advisory Committee 1990 – 2003
  • Welfare Officer of Mackay District Legacy 1995 – Current
  • Chairman of Sarina Army  Reserve Recruitment Committee  1985 – 1993 (Disbanded by the Department of Defence in 1993)
  • RSL representative of the Sarina Aged Persons Hostel Committee 1989 – 2015. Past Committee Chairman 1995
  • RSL representative on the Australia Remembers Committee for the distribution of funds within the Dawson electorate. 1995
  • Conducted RSL Funeral Services for deceased veterans 1984 – Current
  • Secretary of the Sarina and District Fire Services Board 1984 – 1990.
  • Past member of the the Sarina Tennis Association 1974 – 1994. Committee member of this Association for ten years.
  • Organizer of the inaugural Mackay District re-union of Vietnam Veterans in 1985 at Sarina.  This continued until 1989 until the organisation of such activities was assumed by the V .V.A.A. in Mackay.
  • Committee member of the ‘Wongabeena’ Sarina Aged Persons Home Settlement. 1984 – 1990


  • Assisted Girl in a Million Entrants with fund raising activities 1984 – 1992
  • Organiser of RSL Monthly Old Time Dances 1984 – 1992
  • Co-organiser and ticket seller for Sub Branch weekly ‘Chook Raffle’ 1984 – 1992
  • Co-Organiser and ticket seller for District ‘Melbourne Cup’ sweep 1992 – 2011

District Council Representation

Kevin was the Sub Branch Delegate to District Council meetings from 1985-1992.

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