RSL Queensland AGM 2021

RSL Queensland AGM 8/9 December 2021
188 Sub Branch delegates and 10 District delegates attended the AGM with 14 Sub branch delegates from the
PFH District Attending.
The 2021 draft constitution was not approved and Stephen Day DSC AM was elected as State President for
another 3 year term.
Skilled Based Board
Given that the 2021 draft constitution failed to receive the approval of two-thirds of the AGM delegates votes,
the RSL Queensland Board will continue to operate under the 2015 constitution.
Member Value Proposition (MVP)
Given that the 2021 draft constitution failed to receive the approval of two-thirds of the AGM delegates votes,
the MVP proposal will not proceed.
PBI Tax Status
Given that the 2021 draft constitution failed to receive the approval of two-thirds of the AGM delegates votes
resulting in the required amendment of RSL objects, an application to the ACNC for PBI status will not proceed.
RSLQ Managed IT Service Project
In terms of the 2021 RSL Queensland Business Plan, RSLQ is presently rolling out a Managed IT Service Program to
the Districts and Sub Branches. Some District Sub Branches will have already received their hardware and
software with others to be accommodated by the end of the year.

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