Gracemere RSL Sub Branch BBQ

After our meeting on Sunday 11 October, many of our members stayed on to enjoy a BBQ as we were joined by approximately 40 members of National Servicemens’ Association of Australia “Nashos” including partners, many Emu Park RSL members, an
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George Mallet

Mayor Greg Williamson presented George with his 75th WW 11 medallion in the company of family and friends. George was in the Navy in WW 11.

Farleigh & Northern Beaches VP Day.

The Farleigh and Northern Beaches Sub Branch celebrated VP Day with a very low key Remembrance. The flags were raised and flown and a wreath laid for the occasion at the Bucasia Cenataph on Saturday 15th August.”

Darryl Dwyer

RSL LIFE MEMBERSHIPEmu Park members and others present, it is my pleasure today and in my capacity as President of the RSL Pioneer-Fitzroy-Highlands District to carry out a very pleasant duty.Life Membership of the RSL:Is one of the highest honours
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2020 Bakers Creek Memorial Service

On June 14, 1943, a United States Army Air Forces B-17C Flying Fortress plane crashed at Bakers Creek killing 40 people. There was only one survivor, Foye Kenneth Roberts. The plane had taken off from Mackay airport, bound for Papa
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